On Daisies, Poisons, and Community Herbalism with the Seed Sistas

How do we bring herbalism to the streets? In this conversation with the Seed Sistas, Fiona and Kaz, we discuss their journey into community herbalism and the plants that inspire their work in the UK. From dosing parties with herbs to starting community herb gardens, these two women are changing the world around them and inspiring all generations to love plants. We will also talk about their latest book, "Poison Prescriptions" and the importance of bringing the power of poisons back into the herbal landscape and how "flying ointment" can be used to rekindle our sensuality and sexuality as women.

Curious to learn more about Sky House herbal consultations and apprenticeship programs? The links below lead the way…

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Herb of the Month: Milky Oats


Ask Ashley: Are there Alcohol-Free Herbal Options?